A Step-by-Step Guide to Import Themes in Google Slides


Themes play a crucial role in creating visually appealing presentations in Google Slides. They not only enhance the overall look of your slides but also save time and maintain consistency throughout your presentation. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process to import themes into Google Slides, whether you choose from the available themes in the Google Slides Marketplace or import custom themes from external sources. Let’s dive in!

What is Google Slides?

Google Slides Homepage

Google Slides is a free presentation tool that allows users to create, edit, collaborate, and present. It’s part of Google’s web-based Google Docs suite, and is available as a web application, mobile app, and desktop application.

Google Slides is similar to PowerPoint, but works in the cloud and automatically saves changes. Users can create dynamic presentations with animation, narration, images, videos, and more. Presentations can be accessed, created, and edited without an internet connection.

Google Slides is free for personal use, and businesses can access it via a Google Work spaces subscription.

Themes in Google Slide

1.1 What are Themes in Google Slides?

Themes in Google Slides

A theme in Google Slides is a preset group of colors, fonts, background, and layouts. Themes can help give a presentation a consistent look and feel. They can also include frame layouts, color schemes, backgrounds, and visual effects.

By using themes, you can easily transform your presentations from ordinary to extraordinary and captivate your audience with visually stunning slides.

Here are some things you can do with themes in Google Slides: 

  • Import themes: Apply a custom-designed visual style with colors, fonts, layouts, and more to your presentation
  • Create themes: Start from scratch and edit a simple theme into something that looks like your brand
  • Choose themes: Pick and choose themes from the right sidebar
  • Add backgrounds or logos: Add backgrounds or logos to your presentation
  • Choose font and theme colors: Make choices about fonts and theme colors that will apply to every content slide in your deck

1.2 Advantages of Themes

Themes offer several advantages when it comes to creating presentations. Firstly, they save a considerable amount of time as you don’t have to manually choose colors, fonts, and backgrounds for each slide. Secondly, themes ensure consistency throughout your presentation, making it visually appealing and easy to follow. Lastly, themes improve the overall look and feel of your presentation, making it more engaging and impactful.

1.3 Available Themes

Google Slides provides a wide range of built-in themes that you can access directly within the application. To access these themes, simply click on the “Theme” option in the toolbar. This will open a sidebar where you can choose from various theme options and apply them to your slides. The available themes cater to different presentation purposes, from professional business presentations to creative and fun slideshows.

Importing Themes from Google Slides Marketplace

Google Slides marketplace to Import Themes

2.1 Introduction to Google Slides Marketplace

The Google Slides Marketplace is a digital platform where you can find a plethora of additional themes, templates, and add-ons to enhance your presentations. It offers a wide range of options created by professionals and design experts, allowing you to find the perfect theme that aligns with your specific needs.

2.2 Navigating the Google Slides Marketplace

To access the Google Slides Marketplace, open your Google Slides application and click on the “Add-ons” option in the toolbar. From the drop-down menu, select “Get add-ons.” This will take you to the Google Workspace Marketplace, where you can find various add-ons, including themes. Use the search bar to explore different themes and browse through the available options.

2.3 Installing and Importing Themes

Once you find a theme that catches your eye, click on it to view more details. If the theme suits your requirements, click on the “Install” button and grant the necessary permissions. The theme will then be installed and available for use in your Google Slides application. To import the theme, open a presentation, go to the “Theme” option in the toolbar, and select the “Import theme” button. Choose the installed theme from the list, and voila! Your imported theme is now ready to enhance your presentation.

Importing Custom Themes into Google Slides

Importing custom themes in Google Slides

3.1 Creating Custom Themes

If you want to take customization to the next level, Google Slides offers built-in tools that allow you to create custom themes. With these tools, you can design themes that perfectly reflect your branding or personal style. Simply click on the “Theme” option in the toolbar, select “Customize”, and unleash your creativity by modifying colors, fonts, and backgrounds to create your own unique theme.

3.2 Importing Custom Themes from External Sources

In addition to creating custom themes, you can also import themes from external sources. Many professionals and reputable websites offer downloadable themes that you can use in Google Slides. To import these custom themes, download the theme file to your computer. Then, open your Google Slides application, go to the “Theme” option in the toolbar, and select the “Import theme” button. Choose the downloaded theme file from your computer, and the custom theme will be imported into your Google Slides presentation.

3.3 Applying Custom Themes to Presentations

Once you have imported a custom theme, applying it to your presentation is a breeze. Open your presentation, go to the “Theme” option in the toolbar, and select the custom theme from the available options. Your imported custom theme will be applied to all slides, providing a personalized touch to your presentation.

Customizing Imported Themes

4.1 Modifying Colors and Fonts

Customizing Google Slides to Import Themes

To further tailor your imported theme, Google Slides allows you to modify colors and fonts. Click on the “Theme” option in the toolbar, select the imported theme, and click on the “Customize” button. From there, you can adjust the colors and fonts to match your specific preferences or branding guidelines. This customization option gives you the flexibility to create a truly unique and personalized presentation.

4.2 Adjusting Slide Layout and Backgrounds

Adjusting Slides Layout to Import Themes

In addition to colors and fonts, slide layouts and backgrounds play a crucial role in the overall look of your presentation. With Google Slides, you have the ability to modify slide layouts and backgrounds to ensure a cohesive and visually appealing presentation. Simply select the slide you want to modify, click on the “Slide” option in the toolbar, and choose “Edit master.” From there, you can adjust the layouts and backgrounds to create a consistent and visually captivating presentation.

4.3 Adding and Editing Master Slides

Master slides are an essential component of theme customization in Google Slides. They allow you to create a consistent look and feel across all slides in your presentation. To add or edit master slides, go to the “Slide” option in the toolbar, select “Edit master,” and modify the master slide layouts to meet your specific requirements. This ensures that all slides follow a consistent design and layout, enhancing the overall professionalism of your presentation.

Troubleshooting Theme Import Issues

5.1 Incompatible Themes and Versions

Occasionally, theme compatibility issues may arise when importing themes into Google Slides. To avoid such issues, ensure that the theme you are importing is compatible with the version of Google Slides you are using. If you encounter compatibility issues, consider updating your Google Slides application or searching for alternative themes that are compatible with your version.

5.2 Unresponsive or Corrupted Themes

In rare cases, you might come across unresponsive or corrupted themes during the import process. If you encounter such issues, there are a few solutions you can try. First, check if there is an updated version of the theme available for download. If not, try reinstalling the theme or using an alternative theme from the Google Slides Marketplace. If the problem persists, reach out to the theme creator or consult Google Slides support for further assistance.

5.3 Resetting Themes and Starting Fresh

If you find yourself facing persistent issues with imported themes, you can always reset your themes and start fresh. To do this, go to the “Theme” option in the toolbar, select the “Reset theme” button, and your presentation will revert to the default theme settings. This provides a clean slate to work with and can resolve any underlying issues you may have encountered.


In summary, importing and customizing themes in Google Slides can significantly enhance the visual appeal and impact of your presentations. Whether you choose from the available themes in the Google Slides Marketplace or import custom themes, the benefits are numerous. Themes save time, ensure consistency, and allow you to create personalized and engaging presentations. So why settle for ordinary slides when you can transform your presentations with just a few clicks?


Frequently Asked Questions to Import Themes in Google Slides

Here are some frequently asked questions related to theme importing in Google Slides:

* Q: Can I change the theme of my existing presentation?

* A: Yes, you can easily change the theme of your existing presentation by selecting the “Theme” option in the toolbar and choosing a new theme from the available options.

* Q: Is it possible to customize imported themes further?

* A: Absolutely! Google Slides provides various customization options, allowing you to modify colors, fonts, slide layouts, and backgrounds to perfectly match your preferences.

* Q: Can I use custom themes created by others?

* A: Yes, you can import custom themes created by professionals or downloaded from reputable websites to enhance your presentations.

* Q: What if I encounter issues with imported themes?

* A: If you experience any issues, ensure compatibility with your Google Slides version, try reinstalling the theme, or consider using an alternative theme. If all else fails, reach out to theme creators or Google Slides support for assistance.

Remember, themes in Google Slides have the power to transform your presentations from plain to captivating. So don’t hesitate to explore the available themes and unleash your creativity with custom themes to create visually stunning and memorable presentations.

Visit Google Slides at https://docs.google.com/presentation/u/0/

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